Message from the Principal Alvin Simpson

Alvin Simpson

At the High School for Teaching and the Professions; A Magnet School for Aspiring 21st Century Educators and Leaders we set ambitious goals—not solely in terms of academic success, which is undoubtedly important, but also in fostering the holistic development of each child into a competent global citizen.

We strive to extend our capabilities, both as individuals and as a collective community.

Our guiding principle, “Together is Better,” encapsulates our commitment to collaboration, where students and faculty engage in shared learning, joy, and educational endeavors.

Our students are motivated to pursue academic excellence, not only due to the dedication and creativity of our exceptional faculty but also because our community prioritizes inclusivity and a sense of belonging.

At T&P, our mission transcends mere education about the world; we aim to facilitate our students’ integration into the world as educators, innovators, advocates, and leaders.

While the sense of belonging fostered by a nurturing family is vital, belonging to the broader world begins with active participation in a community.

By enabling our students to feel connected to something greater than themselves, we empower them to grow, flourish, and contribute meaningfully. This commitment is reflected in our magnet theme, which emphasizes the development of well-rounded 21st-century students poised to become influential Educators and Leaders within their communities.

We encourage you to schedule an appointment to visit us anytime. Upon entering T&P, one can observe manifestations of wonder, achievement, belonging, mutual respect, and the potential for positive impact in every corner.

When visiting don’t forget to stop by my office and say hey because Together is Better!

Alvin Simpson

Principal I.A. at High School for Teaching and the Professions; A Magnet School for Aspiring 21st Century Educators and Leaders